
Our club call is KØSLV. We are located in the San Luis Valley region of south-central Colorado. We have two valley wide repeaters on the air, located in Monte Vista and Alamosa.

Our repeater are open access. If you are in the area, dial up our repeater and give us a shout. Monte Vista: 449.625- with a 94.8 tone. Alamosa: 447.150- with a 94.8 tone. We host a net every Thursday evening starting at 8:00PM-MT. If you are a club member and want to be net control, you can sign up here. All are welcome to check into our weekly net.

We also host a GMRS repeater in Alamosa on Channel 18. Access to this repeater requires that you to have a current GMRS license on file with our club Trustee. Once on file, you will be provided with the proper access information. Please email your GMRS license to: SLVHamRadio@Gmail.com.


SARA put on a Field Day demonstration on Saturday, June 22, 2024 in Chapman Park in Monte Vista. Many came out and see amateur radio in action. We will be doing Field Day again this year, more details will be available later on.

You can listen to the Valley Views radio program that first aired on KSLV/KYDN/KBGB Radio June 9th. The interview is hosted by Adam Lock, WA2JAL and features SARA President Rick Syring, WY0R, Vice President Justin Spencer, KF0JNX, and ARES/EMCOMM Director Donald McDonald, N0HQD. Listen as they discuss the 2024 Field Day operation and more. Click here to go to the page with the audio file and scroll down the SARA In The News section to listen.

About Us

We Exist:

1. To promote Amateur radio within the SLV, the U.S. and world.
2. To provide instruction and encouragement to new people interested in Amateur Radio.
3. To help provide Emergency Communication to our communities of the San Luis Valley when needed.


For licensed amateur radio operators at any level, dues for 2025 will remain at $36 a year for Full Membership as an individual, payable at the beginning of each year. The Full Membership family rate is $54 a year. For those that join after January, the dues are pro-rated for that year, at $3 per month for individuals and $4.50 per month for a family. Joining as a Full Member entitles you to vote on all items brought before our group.

We also offer an Associate Membership for those who are not yet licensed. Dues are only $20 per year. Associate members are welcome to attend meetings, participate in events, but are not eligible to vote on any matters brought before the group. Associate Membership is also pro-rated each year.

To join, please make your payment out to “San Luis Valley Amateur Radio Association” and mail it to: San Luis Valley Amateur Radio Association, PO Box 452, Monte Vista, CO 81144. While our organization is located in and primarily serves the San Luis Valley area, we welcome other licensed amateur radio operators to join us as well. For more information, please email: SLVHamRadio@Gmail.com


We offer testing for everyone interested in either obtaining their license or upgrading to a higher license class. Testing is typically offered every 3 months, in January, April, July and October. The exams are typically held after the monthly meeting, starting no later than 12:00PM. It is recommended that you arrive 15-20 minutes early to get registered. For a complete list of what is needed on exam day, please see the information here: http://www.arrl.org/what-to-bring-to-an-exam-session. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to email us.


You can also find us on QRZ.com. Search for K0SLV. Our QSL Manager is Lyle Tyoti, KF0NID.
