2024 In Review and 2025 Officers and Directors

The San Luis Valley Amateur Radio Club had another successful year. The Club did two POTA activations. The first one was in the Rio Grande National Forest near Terrace Reservoir. The second activation was in the Gunnison National Forest and was a 2-fer (two parks at once) with the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. Several awards were achieved during these activities.

We took part in ARRL’s Field Day again this year at Chapman Park in Monte Vista. We had good participation and a lot of fun. ARRL’s QST Magazine mentioned our participation with a total score of 1464.

We held four test sessions and four people obtained or upgraded their license.

By unanimous vote the SARA Officers and Directors for 2025 are:
President: Rick Syring, WY0R
Vice President: Justin Spencer, KF0JNX
Secretary: Susie Syring, KF0KTP
Treasurer: Loren Howard, AB8ZZ
Trustee: Dave Newmyer, N0KM
Net/QSL Director, Lyle Tuoti, KF0NID
ARES/Emcomm Director: Don McDonald, N0HQD
Program Director: Justin Spencer, KF0JNX & Robert Austin, KE0OHH
Marketing/PR: Adam Lock, WA2JAL


Rick Syring, WY0R
President, SARA