Welcome to our website. We are the San Luis Valley Amateur Radio Association or SARA for short. Our club call is KØSLV, and we are an amateur radio club in the San Luis Valley (SLV). We formed as a club late in 2019 to help serve this area in times of emergency and of course to have fun as a ham radio group. Our officers and directors are:
- President – Bob Galey – KEØJDN
- Vice President – Robert Austin – KEØOHH
- Secretary – Adam Lock – WA2JAL
- Treasurer – Josh Hill – KEØYOO
- Trustee – Dave Newmyer – NØKM
- EMCOMM/ARES – Phil Schechter – WØOJ
- Training/Testing – James McCloskey – ADØLV
- Contests/Net – Frank Flohr – KA4OAA
We are in the process of setting up our own repeater here in the SLV. The frequencies are anticipated to be 444.625 / 449.625 and we hope to have the repeater up in the next month or so. The coverage area is expected to be approximately valley wide, basically covering this 8,000 square mile region in south-central Colorado.
We do have a weekly net that currently meets on Thursday evening at 8PM on the following repeaters:
- NØKM – 146.640. 77.0 tone. Center, CO
- NØKM – 447.100. 77.0 tone. Center, CO
- WEØFUN – 449.975. 100.0 tone. Methodist Mtn, Salida, CO
- NØPKT – 449.525. 100.0 tone. Bristol Head, Creede, CO
We anticipate our club repeater, KØSLV to become the primary repeater for this net, once it is fully operational. Special thanks to Dave Newmyer, NØKM and Jeff Carrier, KØJSC for allowing us to conduct our weekly net through their respective repeater systems.
The net control station for the weekly net varies. If you are interested in being the net control for any particular Thursday, please email Frank Flohr, KA4OAA to get on the list. All Technical Class licensees and above can be the net control and we have a guideline available on our Facebook Group.
Our Facebook Group can be found here. It is a closed group, so please answer the group questions to join. We are quite active in this group and welcome other local licensed hams to become a part of our group.
We periodically offer license/upgrade testing opportunities. The next testing session will be at Noon on April 4, 2020 at our normal meeting location. Calvary Baptist Church, 2160 Sherman Avenue in Monte Vista. All are welcome to come and take the test. We are also planning on starting training classes for the three different license levels soon.
Whether you are a seasoned amateur radio operator or just curious about this hobby, please feel free to stop in on our monthly meetings, the first Saturday of each month at 10:00AM.
73’s until next time.
Adam Lock
Secretary, SARA
I was here.